People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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Kids under age 5 are safe for now from being injected with Pfizer’s mRNA shot. Pfizer announced in December that their clinical trials had failed, that two shots were not enough, and decided three shots were needed to protect children from a virus that they have never proven exists. Whatever their reasons for admitting failure, on February 11, 2022, they withdrew their Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application for their mRNA jabs on infants and toddlers.

We have listed in previous emails the crimes that pharmaceutical/pesticide/vaccine companies have been convicted of in civil and criminal courts. They have paid huge penalties for killing hundreds of thousands of people with their products, lying to investigators, destroying evidence, and hiding evidence. And yet, millions of people have allowed these same criminals to inject toxic substances into their bodies that either maim or kill them immediately or permanently damage their immune systems, so they are certain to develop medical problems in the future.

There was an article in U.S. News and World Report decades ago that said the majority of people in the U.S. have I.Q.s below normal. “Impossible!” we said. If that’s true, we’re in for a world of hurt. Through the years, Fauci and his drug company pals introduced one phony flu/virus/pandemic after another that was, supposedly, destined to wipe out the entire global population. We were gratified to observe that the public, for the most part didn’t buy any of it and went on with their lives. That proved to us that most people aren’t stupid. Thank God. They didn’t believe in the obvious, self-serving lies of drug companies. Then along came Covid and because pharma now controls the media and gets censorship help from the government, they control the message and can make the public believe anything.

Despite the fact that countless numbers of people have been injured or killed by the Covid vaccines, millions of people are so frightened of imaginary germs that they keep their eyes tightly closed to the obvious – these Covid vaccines are really bad. Nothing can convince true believers that vaccines aren’t going to protect them from a virus that pharma scientists have never isolated. But lately they’ve heard rumors of disastrous clinical trials, witnessed Pfizer fighting in court to keep their clinical trial data from being released to the public, and have seen Pfizer stocks and that of Moderna’s begin to slide. Maybe Pfizer’s desire to kill babies and toddlers will be the tipping point. Maybe the eyes of true vaccine believers are beginning to open.

Because of our decades long experiences with the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and pharmaceutical companies, we at PRISM tend to be very cynical about anything they say and do. We wonder exactly what are these clinical trials on babies and young children supposed to prove? As we read in Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Fauci, Gates and their pharma friends have no problem killing millions of babies in Africa and third world countries with their drugs and vaccines. They’ve been doing it for years and getting away with it. Would they do the same thing in this country? Vaccines are already causing myocarditis, pericarditis and other severe heart and lung problems in teenagers. It has been estimated by Dr. Madhava Setty of Children’s Health Defense that 20,000 cases of myocarditis have occurred in 12–17-year-olds since the roll out of the mRNA vaccine for that age group.

But are vaccine companies willing to sacrifice 6-month-old infants to their insatiable greed? That would seem extreme even for them. We wonder, how do you measure the effectiveness of a vaccine against a virus they have never isolated? Did they actually use the dangerous mRNA vaccines on the babies in the clinical trials or just tell us they did and use a watered-down version? Why insist after the first go-round that three shots are needed instead of two? If they did inject the babies with mRNA vaccines, then the only data there could be is how much pain and suffering they inflicted on these babies.

Will Pfizer hide the evidence of the baby trials as they are trying to hide all the other evidence of the damage done to adults in their clinical trials? Will they obfuscate their findings by using pseudo-scientific gobbledy gook as they have been doing for years in their animal vivisection protocols? And we still wonder what kind of adults would offer up their children to vivisectors who perpetrate experiments on children that could injure and kill them? We don’t know the answers to these questions yet, but we suspect we know why Pfizer vaccine salesmen folded up their tents and slithered back into the shadows.

We believe that Pfizer got a taste of what is in store for them if they start killing babies in this country. It had to have been a shock to them and the FDA when a giant wave of disgust and outrage washed over the FDA committee that was set to approve Pfizer’s EUA application. Countless numbers of parents and members of the public voiced their indignation over the prospect of babies and small children being jabbed with a toxic, mystery DNA concoction that is already causing severe damage to teens and adults. And we know that many of our supporters were a part of that wave of disapproval. Bravo to all of you who voiced your indignation to the FDA. We can only imagine the angry phone calls and emails the committee received. It had to have been overwhelming, and even those cold-hearted, psychopathic committee members, who are an integral part of the vaccine industry, had to have had second thoughts about what they were about to do. We hope they remember this outpouring of public contempt the next time Pfizer comes to the FDA with another EUA application. Killing babies turned out to be a bridge too far, and even vaccine true believers won’t cross it.

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