People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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When most people think of a “scientist” they think of a man in a white lab coat working in a laboratory surrounded by tubes and petri dishes and making notations on a chart that are so complicated they are beyond anything we mere mortals could possibly understand. The perception is that if someone has the title of scientist, they are way smarter than we are and whatever they say must be true. Anyone who has been an antivivisectionist for more than a day believes the exact opposite.

Of course, there are genuine scientists who have made useful contributions to society. Most of those did not happen in laboratories. The majority of medical breakthroughs have come about because doctors, using their knowledge of the human body and through working with patients, learned the best ways to treat burns, accident victims, heart attacks, war injuries and so on. At times, useful accidental discoveries would come about as they worked with patients. Real scientists, using clinical research, have determined the safety and effectiveness of medications, medical devices, diagnostic products, and treatment regimens intended for human use. They have used epidemiology to study groups of similar populations and compared their exposure or lack of exposure to certain chemical pollutants in air, soil or water. Patient-doctor studies are responsible for discoveries like those regarding the relationship between smoking and cancer. Meanwhile, in the lab, in experiments completely irrelevant to humans, millions of mice, dogs, rabbits and other species of animals were forced to inhale cigarettes until they died.

Clinical studies with humans in the U.S. and in Europe found that aluminum is the main cause of Alzheimer’s. Scientists in laboratories prefer to ignore the clinical studies regarding the Alzheimer’s/aluminum connection and instead insist on looking for a “cure” to the disease by searching for an “animal model” for Alzheimer’s which, after 100 years of looking, has yet to be discovered. Other brilliant researchers have invented many techniques and instruments that allow real scientists to test chemicals and other substances in the laboratory without using fraudulent and cruel animals tests.

What a great many people don’t know is that the term biomedical research is another word for vivisection i.e. animal experimentation. In biomedical research, countless animals in universities, private labs and government labs are vivisected for the sole purpose of obtaining millions of dollars in grants from tax payers. To prove that this is not a waste of money, scientist/vivisectors perpetrate every imaginable kind of torture on just about every species of animal. They know that none of their experiments can be extrapolated to humans, but they write up long, complicated, coded papers to justify their experiments, then reapply for grants to do more of the same. Some of these experiments they call “basic science” which means that the same experiments have been done thousands of times in thousands of laboratories all over the world for years just for the heck of it and will continue to be perpetrated as long as they can get away with it. One of the most popular of these “basic scientific” experiments entails throwing small animals into beakers of water and watching the animals desperately try to stay afloat then, when they are completely weakened by their efforts and can swim no longer, they sink and drown.

The usefulness of these experiments? None. This is nothing but a display of sadism perpetrated by mentally unbalanced monsters. But the NIH keeps giving scientists/vivisectors millions of dollars to do these experiments anyway.

We first saw the truly sadistic nature of vivisectors years ago in a video HIDDEN CRIMES produced by SUPPRESS. In it, a clip was shown of vivisectors in the Generelli lab at the University of Pennsylvania where they had built a machine that allowed them to strap a baboon horizontally onto a table. When the machine was turned on it slammed the baboon headfirst one hundred miles an hour into a steel plate, smashing his head and causing massive injury and unspeakable pain. The vivisectors laughed as they were doing this. What fun they were having. They looked over at another baboon whom they had dressed up in a pink tutu and was sitting inert in a chair in the corner and made jokes about her as well. They said it was a good thing antivivisectionists couldn’t get their hands on this very entertaining video. But activists did get ahold of it and after a huge public outcry, the lab was shut down

This is but one example of the biomedical “research” perpetrated on animals by so-called scientists. The list of cruelties inflicted on animals by vivisectors would stretch from here to the moon and back. And yet, these are the psychopaths that people believe in when it comes to the endless announcements of phony lab “breakthroughs” that never amount to a hill of beans, drugs that end up killing hundreds of thousands of people and dangerous, useless vaccines.

And what about the so-called "scientists" who are relentless in giving their opinions regarding Covid-19 and Covid vaccines on pharma TV? Are they as cruel, unscientific and greedy as all the other vivisectors working in their biological labs, devoid of conscience and morals, performing their grisly experiments on animals? More on that in Part II of Scientist/Vivisector/Psychopath.

Those who won't hesitate to vivisect, won't hesitate to lie about it.
--- George Bernard Shaw

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