People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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We’re sure baby boomers will remember this Alka Seltzer jingle – “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!” From this commercial, we learned to put two Alka Seltzer tablets in a glass of water to try and relieve our headache or stomachache or whatever else was wrong with us. Years later, an advertising executive said in an interview, “It was decided that ‘plop, plop, fizz, fizz came across better than plop, fizz.’ Thus, two tablets.” According to him, it was the pharma P.R. people who decided how many Alka Seltzer tablets we should take not doctors!

THE PUBLICIS GROUPE is a massive advertising agency that represents major companies in the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries. They also represent, the Defense Department, schools, libraries, Google, Microsoft, Bing, The U.S. State Department, the World Economic Forum and many more industries and organizations. PUBLICIS has been around for decades convincing us to buy stuff we don’t need. During the advertising rollout of Covid, they and other P.R. companies were absolutely brilliant in selling the public on a phony “pandemic,” PCR tests that don’t accurately diagnose Covid, and convincing people that they must wear a mask or or risk DYING! The fact that their clients in the drug/vaccine business were finally in total control of the media made it much easier for them to drill home their message without interference from those pesky scientists who disagreed with all the pharma propaganda. Censorship became normal and accepted in this country. Who needs to hear the “other side?” Allowing people to hear from dissenting voices and decide for themselves what they want to do doesn’t make for a successful ad campaign.

Fear is the greatest sales pitch of all. In concert with drug-company- approved scientists, doctors, and talking heads on cable news shows, the 24/7 fearmongering on TV was intense. It set the stage for the introduction of vaccines that would save the entire world from little microbes floating around everywhere just waiting to swoop down and KILL US! Terrified people who had thrown away their common sense lined up to get the jab.

But after a few months of a successful vaccine advertising campaign, people started dying and getting injured by the Covid vaccines by the hundreds of thousands. The advertising executives knew they had a problem on their hands. But, (we are imagining) they said to their drug company clients, “Worry not! This minor blip of people dying from the vaccines can be fixed and even used to our advantage!”

Hence, the “Delta Variant” was born. Knowing how clever and manipulative marketing people can be, we wish we could have been an invisible spy in the meetings with drug company representatives and their ad executives as they came up with an answer to their problem. We can only guess that they had the “best minds” in the business coming up with solutions – all their bought and paid for doctors and scientists.

One of the ad guys might have said, “Why don’t we tell people that the dead people didn’t die of the Covid vaccine, they died of something else!” "Good idea," the drug company exec probably replied, "but what can we call it?” We can visualize one of the P.R. guys who was proud to be from the Mississippi Delta, blurt out, “Why don’t we call it the Delta…something or other?” But what? They mulled this over. “It’s variable!” one of the doctors might have interjected. “Let’s call it the “Delta Variant!” another could have said. "But," one of the pharma execs might have cautioned, "It's important that you give the scientists a whole lot of scientific mumbo jumbo to say, something really complicated so people will think we're smarter than they are because our guys wear white lab coats."

The ball was now in the court of the P.R. experts, and they knew exactly what to do. They went out and successfully sold the “Delta Variant” to the public. Even doctors who work for health freedom groups bought into the “variant,” and warned that, "Now we’ll need more vaccines to protect us from the damage done by Covid vaccines." “Yes! The variant scheme worked! They could sell even more vaccines, maybe into perpetuity as the talented P.R. people invent one ‘variant’ after another!” And other countries should feel free to call the "variants" whatever they wish.

As we said in a previous article regarding the “germ theory,” in the mid-1800s, French biologist Louis Pasteur claimed that “germs” cause disease and that we “catch” bacteria, colds, viruses that we must be very fearful of and that these “germs” must be treated with drugs and vaccines. Numerous other renowned scientists like Antoine Béchamp disagreed with Pasteur and asserted that living entities called microzymes created bacteria in response to the conditions of the body – people don’t “catch” germs that give them diseases. Instead, disease-causing germs thrive in bodies that are unhealthy and have weaknesses or have internal imbalances (the terrain theory). The "germ theory" does not recognize that your diet can prevent and fight diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more.

Pasteur was an incredibly successful marketer of his theory while Béchamp preferred to spend his time in his laboratory. The fact that Béchamp was one of the greatest scientific minds of the 19th Century became buried in Pasteur’s successful efforts to self-aggrandize and promote himself and profit from his theory. Now Béchamp’s work is recognized the world over by eminent scientists who believe in his terrain theory. Pasteur’s successful efforts of self-promotion and insisting that we need drugs and vaccines to attack imaginary “germs” make him arguably the first P.R. man to convince the public that lies are truth and the truth is irrelevant. Because of him, the drug/vaccine industry has flourished beyond anything he could have imagined, and intelligent health freedom scientists who were educated to believe in the “germ theory” are buying into the “Delta Variant.” Our take on it? – to paraphrase the marketing campaign of advertising men from yesteryear -- “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a profitable scam it is!”

"The human willingness to surrender critical thought is staggering."
----- Gregg Hurwitz in "The Program"

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