People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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We may wonder sometimes what drives people to ruthlessly pursue wealth and power to the point of leaving a path of destruction in their wake. In the case of Bill Gates his insatiable need for money was apparent from the time his mother convinced IBM to hire her son to develop a software operating system for IBM, after which he double crossed them by launching his own Microsoft Windows 2.0 on the same day as IBM launched OS/2. This kind of behavior became a pattern and competitors complained that Gates regularly used knowledge of their software to undercut them. His reputation as arguably the most ruthless, greedy person alive was born.

But why isn’t making tons of money enough for Bill Gates? Why does he also have the need to destroy the health and welfare of millions of people? Right now, one of his main targets for destruction is Africa where he is decimating African farmers with his “Alliance for a Green Revolution.” AGRA is pushing corporate agrobusiness in Africa making it impossible for small farmers to feed their own families and communities resulting in a 30% increase in extreme hunger. And tragically, there is no oversight or accountability. Meanwhile, all over the world Gates pushes vaccines, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of people they have killed. Is he oblivious to the death and destruction he is causing?

The answer to those questions can be found in his childhood. Bill Gate’s father was a eugenicist, and his son enthusiastically embraced that philosophy. The eugenics movement flourished in the latter part of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. According to followers of the movement, the human race was divided into two categories, the cacogenic who had inherited “bad germs” and should not be allowed to breed, and the eugenic, who were intelligent and came from superior parentage. The “defective” cacogenics - the poor, the mentally ill, people of color, and criminals must be sterilized and/or incarcerated to avoid bringing shame to their families.

Joe and Rose Kennedy proscribed to this philosophy as did John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and feminist Victoria Woodhull. One of their projects was funding fraudulent research into the “genetic deviations” of non-white minorities in order to prove they were cacogenic. When we consider Bill Gates’ lifelong belief in this eugenicist theory, everything he does makes perfect sense. We can understand why he has utter contempt for “useless eaters” who are welcome to die from whatever drugs, vaccines and pesticides they willingly or unwillingly ingest. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Among his efforts to get rid of human garbage is his collaboration with the Rockefeller family in the global vaccine alliance (GAVI). Helpless third world people are the perfect victims who must accept toxic injections or have their governments risk losing U.S. aid. He has had discussions with the Rockefellers, George Soros, Warren Buffet and others on how to control population growth through whatever means they, in their superior wisdom, may come up with. According to Michael Haynes of Lifesite News, Gates, Sr. was on the board of Planned Parenthood where Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, had a plan to exterminate the "negro population" with her Rockefeller funded “Negro Project.” Thankfully, she failed.

Gates is also devoted to “death panels” where the topic discussed is should we find jobs for people or simply fund their end of life in whatever manner that may entail.

His long-time association with Jeffrey Epstein makes sense as well. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb, who has written a book about Epstein and his blackmail schemes One Nation Under Blackmail, has done an exhaustive investigation into Epstein and his connection to wealthy executives like Gates. Using young girls and having affairs while married are hardly a bleep on Gates' moral radar. Gates considered Epstein’s lifestyle “very different and intriguing.” Bill flew several times on the Lolita Express and, according to former Norwegian Prime Minister Thorbjørn Jagland, while Gates and Epstein were in Norway unsuccessfully attempting to lobby for the Nobel Prize, the two discussed several lucrative business interests while visiting Jagland's house. Epstein, along with wanting “to seed the human race with his DNA," was also eager to promote transhumanism: the science of manipulating the human body through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Melinda apparently was not happy with her husband’s involvement with Epstein, but Gates and Epstein continued to have a close relationship in spite of her misgivings and, according to Webb, Gates even asked Epstein’s advice on how to end his marriage.

The closeness between Gates, Epstein, and the Maxwell sisters Christine, Isabel, and Ghislaine (now in jail awaiting trial) have gone largely unreported in mainstream media. And questions remain as to why did Paul Allen and Bill Gates invest in a failing company CommTouch that Isabel Maxwell owned and help keep it afloat? Isabel, with whom Gates had a personal relationship, left the company deeply in debt and became of all things a “technology pioneer” of the World Economic Forum. Because the media is owned by people who were involved in many Maxwell/Gates/Weinstein/Clinton “philanthrocapitalism” and other business dealings, they choose not to reveal anything of substance. For more information on Epstein’s involvement with and blackmailing of high-powered individuals to achieve his financial goals we will await the publication of One Nation Under Blackmail coming out in February.

One of Epstein’s protégés was an attractive, brilliant young woman, Melanie Walker who met him after graduating from college. Jeffrey offered her a Victoria’s Secret Modeling job at the company owned by his pal Leslie Wexner. She lived for an undisclosed time in Epstein’s sex trafficking apartment in New York, graduated from medical school as a neurosurgeon, was hired as Epstein’s “science advisor” and for a while was assigned the job of keeping Prince Andrew happy.

According to Webb, she then moved to Seattle to be with her boyfriend Stephen Sinofsky of Microsoft, and was hired by the Gates Foundation as a “senior program officer.” In 2016 she wrote an article about “wearable devices, brain-machine interfaces, and injectable/swallowable robotic ‘medicines’” and predicted that they would be the norm by 2030. A lot of her dystopian nightmares are now taking shape thanks to funding by Epstein and Gates. Epstein wanted to be frozen when he died so at some point he could be defrosted and go on to live forever. Regrettably for him, those plans fell through. Bill Gates continues to search for other ways to be immortal with the help of aggressive funding into transhumanism research. Melanie, his ace in the hole brain surgeon, is now the co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Neurotechnology and Brain Science. She also advises the Bill Gate’s funded World Health Organization.

Aside from Gate’s apparent interest in finding immortality for himself and manipulating us lesser mortals through “wearable devices” and genetic engineering, according to the New York Post, Gates is now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S. owning close to 300,000 acres covering 19 states. We expect he intends to do here what he has done in Africa – continue to destroy the soil with monocrops, use agrochemicals and patented seeds and focus on genetically modified crops. In Africa, AGRA is enabling a few multinational companies to control seed research and distribution making it impossible for small scale farmers to recycle and exchange seeds from year to year.

Allowing Gates to do this the world over would annihilate our entire food production system and result in a “global mass poisoning.” (Do the rich and privileged intend to grow their own organic food at some undisclosed location?) Members of the Southern African Faith Communities Institute wrote a letter to the Gates foundation this year begging him to stop the destruction of their small farms. They have yet to receive a reply. When environmentalist Dr. Rosemary Mason wrote a letter to WHO asking why they left pesticides off their list of chemical threats to children the silence was deafening. Children are growing up inundated with pesticides and WHO does not care. Why should they? Gates pushes pesticides and he is WHO’s main sponsor. The fact that they are killing children is irrelevant.

As for his interest in vaccines, Gates first bought shares in Pfizer in 2002 and promotes them as the leader in Covid vaccine production. He has invested heavily in other vaccine/biotech companies and supported their research into vaccines. Bill Gates bragged at the beginning of the Covid scam that the “pandemic” would make him the world’s first trillionaire and it will.

Bill Gates does two things better than anyone – He makes a lot of money inundating millions of people with his toxic vaccines, deadly pesticides and brutal farming practices, and, at the same time manages to portray himself on TV as if he is the savior of the world while helping silence dissident voices. The injustice of this situation is nauseating. Bill Gates, a eugenicist, is successfully fulfilling his dream of ridding the planet of “useless eaters,” and millions of brainwashed, mask wearing subjugates are helping him do just that.

"We want a world freer, happier, cleaner - We want a world of thoroughbreds."
--- Margaret Sanger - Eugenicist, Founder of Planned Parenthood

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