People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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With the whirlwind of constant conversation regarding vaccination taking place right now, of course we are going to hear the true-believers and advocates of any and all jabs pontificate on the polio shot and how Jonas Salk — or was it his rival Albert Sabin? — saved us all from infantile paralysis. Neither polio vaccine — not Salk’s killed virus vaccine nor Sabin’s live, but weakened virus vaccine were the miracles they claimed to be. Actually, children avoided polio in spite of the vaccine, not because of it.

Cases of polio were decreasing well before the vaccination against it ever appeared. Cases began proliferating again immediately in areas where compulsory shots were given, while the disease continued its downward spiral in areas where there was no mass vaccination program. In Tennessee: 1958, before compulsory shots there were 119 cases of polio. In 1959, soon after mass vaccination the numbers rose to 386 cases. In Ohio, there were 17 cases before and 52 cases after. In Connecticut, 45 cases before and 123 cases after. In North Carolina, 78 cases before and 313 after. The record shows similar numbers for the rest of the states. Even with these kinds of data, the myth that the polio vaccine saved lives remains the litany of the high priests of medicine today.

It is important to note that it was mid-century when concerns about clean, safe water were arising. In the 1940’s, industrial pollution led to contaminated waste water and new, exotic chemicals entering the environment. US involvement in World War II out-weighed serious concerns over water quality. So, it was in the 1950’s, with a growing population and water usage that shortages became a problem, due to numerous water sources being polluted with sewage and chemicals, such as DDT, etc.

Interesting that DDT toxicity in the human body presents as polio-like symptoms. Of course, a huge error in a primary source of public health (water) finally showed up as a dreaded disease in human beings. The much needed remedy should not have been more toxicity through a poisoned needle, but stopping the sources of pollution and creating innovative and improved water treatment systems. The immunity of the population (often young people) was being compromised and the cause was nothing more than filthy water, toxic chemicals and a growing addiction to refined, de-natured, sugary, greasy foods filled with artificial colors and preservatives.

It is common practice, when vaccine disasters occur, for doctors who gave the shots to blame the failures on contaminated needles or a faulty vaccine, but there is no possibility that anything on the needle could be as damaging as the poisons in the needle. Medics like to dodge the blame by claiming it was “a bad batch”. Of course it was a bad batch. Every batch is a bad batch. Why pretend it is anything but a killer dose of poison? If anyone has any doubts about this, let him read the package inserts — it’s all right there.

The new COVID vaccines carry with them even more dreadful components. Heretofore, the typical vaccines foisted on the population contain the usual macerated animal organs, pus and myriad toxic carcinogenic chemicals. Now, courtesy of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc, we are being offered cultured human fetus cell lines, toxic chemicals and mRNA. It is concerning that, even if the vaccinated have few or no immediate side effects, the spike proteins will enter the capillary system and instruct all those millions of tiny, hair-like carriers of blood to wall off circulation. The result of that shows up later and it is worrisome.

How has the human race veered so far off the straight and sane line? It seems the religion of modern medicine, with the help of the beholden media, has created a society of true believers who willingly accept everything the bought-and-paid-for “scientists” preach. There are true, devoted scientists and doctors who are the voices largely unheard, due to being silenced by censorship. We have to dig deep to find them and listen to what they share, but it is not impossible when one is eager and persistent. Please know there is no magic pill — no magic bullet coming from Big Pharma or its vivisectors. These are the very people who torture innocent animals, knowing full well that it is useless and meaningless except for legal protection and the enormous profits they make.

Take note that their products damage and kill thousands of unsuspecting people every year, but they don’t care because the money just keeps on pouring in. It is my hope and prayer that something good will come out of this.

PRISM Board Member, Suzanne Matthews, RN.

For more information on polio and the polio vaccine check out this article on our site

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