People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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Ever since we were old enough to understand commercials on TV or the radio we have been programmed. We have been induced to buy cell phones, televisions, cars, trucks, appliances, iPads and computers we don’t really need. Then, starting in 1997, the FDA allowed drugs to be advertised on TV and convinced people they needed to talk to their doctors about prescribing such and such a drug for them that they had seen on TV for diseases they didn’t even have. Marketing executives do extensive research to figure out how to make us buy their client’s products and it works.

The Publicis Group is a PR firm that is a partner with the World Economic Forum and has been around for almost a century. During that time, they have convinced us to buy a variety of products and now represent pharma, tech and banking corporations. Additionally, they are partnered with Google, Microsoft, Bing, the U.S. State Department, the Department of Defense, public libraries, schools, MSN, WebMD, Medscape and more. They play an important role in the suppression of information that does not agree with the pharma/tech propaganda line. When it comes to defending toxic pesticides, drugs, and vaccines they have no equal. Their research on how to manipulate us is thorough. Is it any wonder that no matter how many people die and are injured from the vaccines and no matter how many experts tell us that masks are useless people still insist on getting the dangerous jab and on continuing to self-suffocate? Pharma-owned TV tells viewers what to believe and 24/7 propaganda becomes ingrained in their minds. It’s a wonder that millions of us still can think for ourselves.

Marketing geniuses know that creating confusion is a wonderful way to make people lose their perception of what is truth and what are lies – don’t wear masks, you must wear masks, only wear masks near sick people, wear more than one mask. Finally, people decide they need to wear masks all the time, even when walking alone down the street. Confusion also helps with the fearmongering and makes people easier to control – be very, very afraid, but don’t worry, we will save you. Get vaccinated, “stay safe” and do as you’re told.

PR people are unmatched when it comes to spin. When people get sick after being vaccinated, and they feel pain in their arm or they get nauseous and feel dizzy, that’s okay. It just proves that the vaccine “is working.” Of course, if someone ends up in the ER and dies immediately after the jab, that’s just a “coincidence” and had nothing to do with the vaccine whatsoever. Pharma has an answer for everything.

Sometimes the length people will go to to justify their programmed beliefs is downright laughable, and sad at the same time. A woman in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, Joan Barrows, was determined to save herself from Covid. She had had a lung transplant, was obese and was on several anti-rejection drugs. Nevertheless, she had two jabs of the Moderna vaccine. She wore masks and gloves and refused to go anywhere near family and friends. On May 15, 2021 this woman died, and her death was listed as a breakthrough case of Covid-19 after vaccination. Her vaccine-programmed relatives blamed her death on all the people who have refused the vaccine. What?! We are to blame?! Yes, it’s all our fault.

Even though millions of people are willing to play Russian roulette with their lives and get a dangerous jab, they don’t really believe it protects them. They believe that they’re just as vulnerable to the imaginary Covid microbes as the un-jabbed are. Then why in the world risk death and injury by getting vaccinated if it isn’t even going to protect you?! And why should the rest of us get vaccinated if it isn’t going to protect us either? Joan’s best friend who, apparently, was also on Joan’s no-visit list, has a “strong dislike” for us. She says her friend, who got two jabs, was obese, had a lung transplant, wore masks, refused to get anywhere near other people and was on anti-rejection drugs would be alive today if not for us. We are responsible for her vaccine-breakthrough death.

As incredible as this story is, it’s not unusual. When someone has been thoroughly programmed, people could be dropping dead all around them minutes after the jab, but pharma programming has rendered them incapable of making the connection between the jab and the death. That’s the genius of advertising and 24/7 propaganda. It works really well. And pharma’s superstar PR executives at Publicis do it better than anyone.

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