People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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The mission of PRISM to expose vivisection as a fraud is not just about ending the suffering of animals in biomedical labs, but to make clear its connection to the disastrous state of human health and the destruction of the environment. The tentacles of the many thousands of cruel vivisectors, perpetrating their nightmarish experiments on animals, touches every part of our lives and destroys everything within their reach - no more so than now, when we are living in a time of lies, invented viruses, their phony "variants, " and a deluge of poisonous jabs.

It's been two years since we were told that it will take "two weeks to flatten the curve," and in order to make sure that happens, we must get those Covid vaccines injected into our bodies. Although some people still haven't figured it out, many have come to realize that not only are Covid shots not helping us, they are injuring and killing hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. And this despite a mainstream media/social media blackout of that information, and the government being heavily engaged in a massive censorship campaign.

For the first time in at least a century, a significant portion of the population has figured out that something is up, and that pushing vaccines has nothing to do with concern for our well-being. In fact, just the opposite is true. For some of us, it's been a shocking revelation to learn how many hospital personnel are willing to go along with the agenda: authorizing and administering death.

As much of a shock as that is, there is still a bigger picture which remains mostly obscured for the majority.

Vivisection is the cornerstone upon which medical mafia fraud is constructed, and so it is the place to begin when investigating its alleged "cures." Vivisection is defined literally as dissecting a live animal or human, but also includes burning, poisoning, crushing, and any other form of violence and injury which can be devised.

The following quote, included in Hans Ruesch's excellent book, Slaughter of The Innocent, (available on our site) describes perfectly and concisely the folly of vivisection:

"The spiritual malady that rages in the soul of the vivisector is in itself sufficient to render him incapable of acquiring the highest and best knowledge. He finds it easier to propagate and multiply disease than to discover the secret of health. Seeking for the germs of life, he invents only new methods of death." - Anna Kingsford, MD

Most of today's afflictions have been created by the petrochemical/pharmaceutical complex via childhood vaccinations, followed by drugs to treat the "adverse events" (often unrecognized as vaccine-initiated) plus the effects of their herbicides, pesticides, etc..

It is common for successful treatments that have been found by trial and error in the real world to be hijacked back to the vivisection labs, and then vivisectors undeservedly take the credit. Their arrogance and lack of morals know no bounds.


The poster boy for vivisection is Anthony Fauci. Typical vivisectors are narcissistic to the point of displacing all sense of morality and compassion. The money that freely flows in their direction from our taxes is one incentive, but even that is not as important to them as being held in high esteem by their equally conscienceless peers. If they can dupe the rest of us into worshipping them, all the better. Their "research" is conducted with a complete lack of empathy for both their animal and human victims. The term 'megalomaniac' comes to mind.

Aided by a corrupt system, Fauci attained a level of power every vivisector dreams of, and used that clout to facilitate a scheme involving depopulation, revenue, and a new compulsory vaccine.

Some high profile speakers are echoing the statement that Covid vaccines aren't really vaccines, but are "gene therapy." (Calling them "therapy" is a laughable misnomer.) However, there is evidence that vaccines have included foreign RNA and DNA from animals and fetuses all along, and have been changing mitochondrial DNA for quite some time. And now, once again, the vivisection-trained community wants to offer a new Frankenstein contrivance to subdue the symptoms of their previous poisons.


The most recent touted "therapy" making the news is monoclonal antibodies. Has anyone noticed that the mainstream media is not afraid to mention this "alternative" without condemnation, even as a contrived battle over its use is taking place? There is always a price to pay, if not immediately, in due time.

Monoclonal antibodies come from that same dark place as vaccines; vivisection labs, where "eye of newt and toe of frog" are always in the mix.

Below are examples of how monoclonal antibodies are made. Even the ones which come from strictly human sources are suspect. Where were they harvested, how, and from whom?

Murine: These are made from mouse proteins and the names of the treatments (to differentiate between them) end in -omab.

Chimeric: These proteins are a combination of part mouse and part human and the names of the treatments end in -ximab.

Humanized: These are made from small parts of mouse proteins attached to human proteins and the names of the treatments end in -zumab

Human: These are fully human proteins and the names of the treatments end in -umab.

Many adverse reactions have been associated with all four of the above. Acute infusion reactions can be caused by a range of mechanisms including anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, serum sickness, tumor lysis syndrome and cytokine release. Any kind of monoclonal antibodies that are used to fight tumors can result in tumor necrosis and have been associated with reactivation of latent tuberculosis, as well as with other serious infections and malignancies.

The clinical manifestations can range from local skin reactions at the injection site, pyrexia and an influenza-like syndrome, to acute anaphylaxis, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which could be fatal.

It should have become obvious a long time ago that "alternative" treatments that are created in a vivisection lab are not the answer to human health.


And finally that brings us to Dr. Robert Malone (in addition to all the physicians who are alluding to "animal tests" as the proof of anything).

Malone is a vivisector. He participated in developing a destructive bioweapon. In fact, many are considering this one (COVID19 mRNA delivery system) the "coup de gras " of toxic vaccines. Now that he has developed it, and tortured God only knows how many sentient beings with it, he's suddenly the hero for siding with the already large and growing numbers of awakened citizens, warning about it.

But that's not his first and only foray into the world of torturing animals in his attempts to bypass and outdo the laws of God and nature. Once again the words of Dr. Kingsford come to mind, as vivisection always involves the giving of disease under the guise of "finding the cure."

From "humanized mice" experiments to invasive cruel infliction of injury, infections, and procedures on monkeys at U.C. Davis, the Salk Institute, and NIH experiments at U.S.F., Malone's experiments to this day have produced only suffering and death. And it is a solid fact that vivisection of animals always leads to vivisection of humans.

Dr. Malone, now a very wealthy man thanks to vivisection, still pushes vaccines, guiding his newly found audience of health freedom fighters to believe in "good vaccines" that will protect us from those new "pandemics" coming down the pike. We mustn't get carried away by condemning all vaccines, is his message and the message of many other doctors and scientists in the movement. Giving up their medical school- pharma-brainwashing is a difficult if not impossible task.

So, the bigger picture of a vivisector begins at the roots: "Seeking for the germs of life, he invents only new methods of death." There are some doctors who have realized their training led them down the wrong path and are bravely speaking out, but the same malevolent powers which hide vaccine damages, natural therapies and cures, also vigorously censor any sane discourse on the subject of vivisection and the catastrophes it wreaks upon our physical and mental health.

--- Sue Marston - Author, Vaccine Expert,
PRISM Advisory Board Member

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