People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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Vivisection does not, and never has, provided cures for any of our health issues. We see more disease, more “epidemics," more drugs and sicker people now than ever before, with no end in sight. Our tax dollars are funneled through government grants to fund myriad useless, automatically renewed laboratory experiments at every research university and hospital across the country — feeding into the widely accepted (on faith) religion of modern medicine.

Vivisection has been going on for centuries with no end in sight because it brings immense profits and empty promises. The same experiments on animals in research laboratories are done over and over, killing tens of millions of innocent, defenseless animals a year, while being kept well hidden from public view or scrutiny.

The cutting and experimenting on animals, whether it be mouse, rat, cat, dog, pig, horse, etc, to study the human body is preposterous. How can one learn about human physiology by looking at various other species, most of which are quadrupeds? The various species react differently to chemicals and procedures, due to species specificity. Even a mouse and a rat are very different, as a mouse has a gall bladder and a rat does not. Humans and dogs have opposite dominant coronary arteries, yet dogs are used extensively in heart experiments. Animals are different from humans and different from one another. All species have a different route and rate of metabolism, react differently to pain, have very different dietary requirements and have different physical structure and organ placement.

It is scientifically impossible to ARTIFICIALLY create symptoms of a human disease in a healthy animal and call it the same malady as that which has arisen SPONTANEOUSLY in a human, and vice versa. It is NOT the same disease. All disease has an intimate connection with its host body. It is also futile and a science error to create mock symptoms of human disease in a beagle dog and then labor under the delusion that a “cure” can come from that. The cure is already here and always has been.

Disease is brought on by unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking, consuming flesh, dairy, sugar and de-natured, GMO grains/flour. Bad hygiene and lack of oral health leads to many physical complaints. Lack of exercise and prolonged stress creates havoc with human health, as does the reliance on drugs/vaccines, which are a toxic overload and a final insult to the human body. Either we change these negative habits or we can expect a degenerative disease to appear sooner or later. We have a choice.

The conventional, mainstream “scientific/medical” community would have us believe that vivisection works. They are constantly changing their data. They know very well that they subsist on research welfare and must continue instilling fear in the population so we will continue to keep them on the dole. It is most revealing what the vivisectors themselves say regarding the uselessness of their experiments in unguarded moments and to each other in their medical journals. They all know these ridiculous animal experiments cannot be extrapolated to humans, yet they are determined to continue because the profits are irresistible.

Reference: “Slaughter of the Innocent”, by Hans Ruesch with foreword from Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD

Suzie Matthews - RN, Vegan, PRISM Board Member

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