People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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It was chilling to find out that IBM, who Governor Andrew Cuomo has partnered with to create the Excelsior Pass in New York, performed the same service for Hitler’s Germany. IBM’s past president, Thomas J. Watson, worked for the Third Reich for 12 years, and according to the book, IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black, provided the punch cards and tabulating machines that helped Adolf Hitler carry out his ultimate plan. The book is based on 20,000 documents from seven countries including IBM correspondence, memos from the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Justice, and from concentration camps. “IBM played a pivotal role in the Holocaust, in not only the identification and tabulations of Jews, but also their expulsion from society, including the confiscation of their property, ghettoization, deportation and ultimately their extermination.”

Now, with the help of IBM, New Yorkers who choose to avoid the poison needle for the sake of preserving their health, will be treated like outcasts and be prevented from entering businesses large and small in the state of New York. To preserve their civil liberties they will be forced to leave their homes and move to a state that is not governed by officials owned and operated by pharma. Democrats in New York are passing bills and hope to pass more bills that will mandate that every man, woman and child be vaccinated. Opposition to the bills are sharply drawn across party lines with Democrats proving themselves more than willing to follow IBM, Cuomo and pharma in the footsteps of those who seek to destroy anyone who does not follow orders.

The pharma owned media is doing a great job of covering up the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are dying and being injured from the Covid vaccines. And the drug/vaccine/pesticide CEOs are using deeply flawed science to predict that people will need even more booster vaccines for the nonexistent variants they claim will come along in the future. (That is a lie that will be dealt with in future podcasts and emails.) Fauci, the CDC, and WHO all admitted in the beginning of their manufactured "pandemic" that masks were useless, but they quickly realized that masks were fabulous symbols of domination and that the millions of people who were willing to subjugate themselves to pharma in this way could easily be convinced to be injected with toxic chemicals in spite of the obvious dangers of doing so.

The hundreds of thousands of people who have died and been injured from the Covid vaccines are irrelevant to the handful of billionaires who are now calling the shots in state and federal governments. These deaths and injuries have been reported on the CDC VAERS site and several reporting sites in Europe. The millions more who will be injured and die from booster vaccines are irrelevant. The CEOs of drug/vaccine/pesticide companies hope to move forward with their goal of universal vaccine passports which they foresee will end up controlling every facet of our lives and lead them to their beloved holy grail which they have renamed The Great Reset (formerly known as the New World Order) where a few corporate billionaires will control world commerce and wealth and the rest of us will do their bidding.

Like Hitler in Nazi Germany, wealthy pharma and tech CEOs believe in utilitarianism and situation ethics. They tell us that what they are doing is for “public health” and the “greater good.” In other words, “the end justifies the means.” If millions of people must die for them to attain their goals then so be it. Hitler used this philosophy to murder millions of Jews because he needed to “purify the human race" in order to insure that only “Aryans” would survive and flourish. Slave masters in the south used that philosophy to defend slavery. The U.S. government used that philosophy when they stole land from Native Americans. The U.S. government used that philosophy again when they murdered African Americans in the Tuskegee experiments knowing that what they were doing was useless and deadly. Animal experimenters use that philosophy to defend the torture and slaughter of hundreds of millions of animals in vivisection labs knowing their experiments are a complete fraud and cannot be extrapolated to humans.

Vladimir Lenin used this philosophy to murder three million of his own people. When accused of being unethical, he retorted back, “If the end does not justify the means, then in the name of sanity and justice, what does?!” The drug/vaccine/pesticide company CEOs, the tech company CEOs, Biden and the Democrats are in complete agreement. They are killing and injuring men, women, children, and babies and causing birth defects and miscarriages with their Covid vaccines. But no matter how many blood clots are linked to the vaccines, no matter how many people die within seconds, minutes or days of getting the jab, the drug/vaccine/pesticide companies insist that regardless of how many people may “supposedly” die from the Covid vaccines, it’s still worth it to keep convincing people to get the jab because -- “It’s for the greater good.”

The utilitarian and situation ethics philosophies are severely flawed. They completely leave out moral ethics and, furthermore it is impossible to know what the “ends” will be as you are going about slaughtering millions of people for the “public good.” It is a fact that the only "good" the pharma and tech billionaires hope to attain is satiation of their own greed and lust for power. In a democratic society there is no such thing as “public health.” There is only the health of each and every individual whose bodies belong to them. But the corrupt, avaricious pharma and tech CEOs can smell the holy grail. It is within their grasp. They have managed to fear monger millions of people into subjugating themselves into total pharma obedience. They now control every thought and action of their millions of pharma cult followers. Complete power over everyone is within their grasp.

Corporate billionaires and several world leaders, including our own, have openly worked toward and predicted the coming of a New World Order for many decades. And to our detriment and shame, we ignored people with foresight like Naomi Wolf who sounded the alarm years ago. Klaus Schwab who created the World Economic Forum in 1987 and is the moving force behind The Great Reset predicted in a 2016 interview, among other Orwellian horrors, that within 10 years "all of humanity will be be required to have implantable microships to serve as a global health pass." He went on to describe his "transhumanist dream of a direct 'fusion' of consciousness to the 'digital world.'"

These are not conspiracy theories whispered about in the shadows by people with tin foil on their heads. This is openly discussed in the media by Klaus Schwab and his corporatist co-horts. If we ignore the imminent danger of The Great Reset now, our children and grandchildren will inherit a world where democracy is unknown and the Constitution a useless relic of the American revolutionary spirit that lived in the hearts of brave Americans in 1776 and died in the year 2021.

"The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow."

--- Jim Hightower

"You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know."

--- William Wilberforce

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