People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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As of February 12, the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) site reported that 929 people have died from the Covid vaccine and 15,923 have been injured. Since less than one percent of deaths and injuries are reported to VAERS, add two zeros to those numbers and you get 92,900 dead and 1,592,300 injured. Twenty one percent of the deaths are cardiac related. Most people being killed by the vaccines are seniors. California leads the nation in the number of deaths with Florida second. Those numbers change on a daily basis. The average age of those killed is 77. The youngest killed was 23 years old. There is a veritable holocaust of seniors dying from vaccines in nursing homes.

These facts are available to the public and to journalists on the CDC VAERS site and yet none of this is ever reported in the mainstream media. There is a total blackout on the subject of vaccine deaths which the medical industry routinely calls “coincidences” and even when people die immediately after the injection they declare that that person died of Covid or something else, not the vaccine. Most deaths occur within 48 hours of injection.

This situation is dangerous to people’s health and dangerous to our democracy. Censorship is now firmly in place in this country. If anyone dares speak out against Fauci, Gates, pharma, and vaccines they will pay the price. Doctors who have the courage to stand up to medical boards and report vaccine deaths to VAERS, their patients, and the public lose their practices and must hire lawyers and go to court to hang on to their medical licenses.

African Americans are more likely than Caucasions to die and suffer injuries from vaccines. Because of this they are leery of getting injected and are not eager to play Russian Roulette with their lives. Hank Aaron wanted to set an example for African Americans by getting himself injected with the Covid vaccine and prove it’s safe. 18 days later he was dead. It was common sense to wonder if the vaccine caused his death. RFK, Jr. raised this question on Instagram. The mainstream media, including the NY Times, attacked him viciously (which they routinely do) and declared that the coroner had said Aaron died of natural causes. That was a lie. The coroner spoke out and said that Aaron was buried before an autopsy was done and cause of death could be not determined. And yet, just for raising the question, RFK, Jr. was tossed off Instagram. “Fact checkers” repeated the “natural causes” lie on our FB page and called us liars. We are living in an age of censorship and truthtellers are paying the price.

Democratic politicians and many Republicans are walking in lockstep with the pharmaceutical industry. Democrats have become the party of lockdowns, enforced mask wearing, bankruptcies, depression, suicides, Covid misinformation, Covid vaccines and censorship. Adam Schiff has been in the pocket of pharma for years and started pushing censorship openly a few years ago. He does not want anything factual about pharma or the dangers of vaccines to ever see the light of day.

Now PRISM is being censored by Face Book. We have over 22,000 supporters and FB only allows 40-60 of them to see our posts. FB has also informed me that since pharma “fact checkers” find that most of what we post goes against pharma and FB guidelines we can no longer buy ads to attract more followers or boost any post whatever the subject may be. FB is intent on shutting down our ability to inform the public about issues that are vital to their health and wellbeing.

Sandra and I have written several letters to our own Senators and Representative in Congress and to other politicians including Vice President Harris. We have pointed out that freedom of the press is a hallmark of democracy and the lack of it the sign of a dictatorship.

Our Constitutional rights are being violated and we must fight back. We encourage everyone who is concerned about widespread, repressive and unconstitutional censorship to write, email and call your political representatives and assert your right as a citizen of this country to be given access to a media that is open and expresses all sides of an issue. And specifically, as it involves PRISM, Mark Zuckerberg must not be allowed to use his company as a platform for Big Pharma and squash any and all opinions that are contrary to claims of the pharmaceutical industry.

Meanwhile, we will do more to increase sharing facts on other social media and ask you to generously share our FB posts and podcasts as well. Please recommend our page, to your friends.

Thank you for your support. To donate please go to our site and click the donate button

If we don't fight back against tyranny now, democracy will die and our grandchildren will be living in a country ruled by a handful of billionaires. What a betrayal of their faith in us that would be.

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