People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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Victory! We heartily celebrate the closing of the Veterans Affairs dog lab in Richmond Virginia. This is the culmination of a campaign that White Coat Waste launched over five years ago and they have now succeeded in ending all painful and wasteful dog experiments at the VA. Bellotti, after witnessing for himself the horrors that take place in vivisection labs and watching the anti-vivisection documentary Lethal Medicine produced by our mentor Javier Burgos and our long time friend and supporter Hoorik Davoodian, left his career in politics and began raising money to support his goal of shutting down vivisection labs. His important political connections in D.C. have led to politicians on both sides of the aisle joining together to end funding for several labs. Anthony Bellotti and his team at White Coat Waste are tireless in working to stop the waste of tax dollars at the National Institutes of Health that is targeted for the fraud and cruelty of animal experimentation.

After this wonderful victory, the next step is for each one of us to contact our legislators and ask them to co-sponsor the Protecting Dogs Subjected to Experiments Act. This act will end all government experiments on dogs funded by our tax dollars. Man's best friend deserves nothing less.

With the onset of the fake Covid pandemic and the massive vaccine rollouts, animals are suffering more than ever in vivisection labs. They are slaughtered for use as ingredients in vaccines and have vaccines tested on them. Millions of calf fetuses are ripped from their mothers’ wombs at slaughterhouses still alive and viable. They undergo the torments of hell as they are stabbed in the heart with needles and their blood is suctioned out until their blood runs dry. The serum from their blood becomes part of the toxic witch’s brew that makes up vaccines. Animal suffering has become the cornerstone of the entire petrochemical/pharmaceutical/medical paradigm. They are the scapegoats who bear the brunt of the greed of psychopathic CEOs who are devoid of compassion for either humans or animals.


Oil is the mother of all pollutants. Oil companies have no conscience when it comes to where they want to drill – national parks, animal preserves, off-shore, in the ocean, in pristine bays teaming with wildlife, or in the middle of minority communities, it matters not. They want their oil and they will pay off every politician in Congress to get their way. The result is catastrophic. No one who is paying attention can forget the Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the worst spill in the history of marine oil drilling operations. 4 million barrels of oil flowed over an 87-day period before it was finally capped on July 15, 2010. In July of 2021 an oil pipeline burst in the Gulf of Mexico causing a fire to rage for hours, polluting the gulf, the shores, and killing wildlife. But fear not, experimenting on animals in laboratories will prove the water is safe, the soil has minimal pollutants, and drilling in the gulf or anywhere else is perfectly acceptable. After all, producing 700,000 barrels of oil per day in the gulf is nothing to sniff at.

The Exxon Valdez supertanker spill in 1989 is a perfect example of oil companies not having to take responsibility for their actions. Carelessness and an inebriated, slumbering captain, caused the Veldez to run aground and the spill from the ship affected 1,300 miles of coastline in Prince William Sound in Alaska. 5.8 million gallons of oil drained from the ship within 3 hours. The chemical dispersant used failed to work and caused liver, kidney, lung, nervous system, and blood disorders among cleanup crews. It also destroyed plankton which is necessary for the survival of sea life. Sea otters, ducks, orcas were lost and the waters may never recover from the destruction of many species. Exxon insists that their studies show the sound is healthy and thriving but independent scientists say that between 16,000 and 21,00 gallons of oil remain on the beaches of the sound. Seafood producers sued Exxon and were awarded $287 million in actual damages and $5 billion in punitive. Through legal maneuvering, those damages were cut to $507.5 million. Exxon barely felt the loss.

Since 2010 over 3,300 incidents of crude oil and natural gas leaks and ruptures have occurred on U.S pipelines. 80 people have been killed and 389 have been injured and there has been a cost of $2,8 billion in damages. There are on the average two major spills a year. The Keystone pipeline had two major oil spills that leaked 12,000 barrels of oil in the Dakotas. When President Biden revoked their permit environmentalists were happy but Republicans decried the decision citing loss of jobs, not mentioning the loss of revenue to oil companies.

Hydraulic fracturing is having a devastating effect on the environment. In the U.S. 70 to 140 billion gallons of water are mixed with toxic chemicals to create frack fluid, much of which ends up back on the surface and causes contamination of rivers, streams, soil, vegetation, livestock, and wildlife, not to mention the toll on human health. Contamination of water wells has caused methane poisoning of drinking water in communities where fracking occurs. Companies like Exxon claim fracking fluid is harmless but have had legislation passed to allow them to keep the chemicals they use in fracking a secret. Oil companies have wonderful friends in Congress.


Baby boomers will remember the slogan of years past, “better living through chemistry.” We are now drowning in chemicals and living is worse not better. Toxic chemicals can be found in food additives, cleaning products, baby products, cosmetics, medicines, carpets, paint, cars, furniture, pesticides, ad nauseum. All these chemicals are tested on animals and found to be perfectly safe. Since animal testing is unscientific it can be rigged to show anything the experimenters want them to show. We found it ironic and kind of hilarious when a few years ago, The Daily News in the San Fernando Valley wrote about the helicopter spraying of malathion by American Cyanamid supposedly to kill medflies. The paper reported that anti-malathion activists contended that the animal testing they had conducted proved undeniably that malathion is dangerous for human health. American Cyanamid disagreed. They said their animal tests proved it was not dangerous to human health. Whatever result you want, animal tests can provide it for you.


Drugs are made from the chemicals that are made from petroleum and thousands of different recipes are created in biomedical labs (a euphemism for vivisection). These endless combinations of chemicals that are given a variety of imaginative names are then tested on animals to prove they are safe for humans. Doses are manipulated, animals are chosen who manage to hang on to life for more than a minute, statistics and pseudo-scientific gobbledy gook, “prove” the drugs are safe for human trials. Then the drug is tested on humans – some may have serious symptoms, some not. Nevertheless, the drug is put on the market (with warning labels that should make anyone terrified of taking them) and millions of dollars in profits come pouring in. When lawsuits ensue because of human damage, the drug company pays the fine which is never as much as drug company profits. Wash, rinse, repeat.

All disease groups are deeply involved in the biomedical industry. The American Cancer Society, Susan Komen, The Alzheimer’s Association, Muscular Dystrophy Association, City of Hope, St. Jude’s, all of them and more torture animals in their laboratories pretending to be looking for cures while enriching themselves. The disease organization true believers, instead of taking responsibility for their own bodies and their own health by eating and drinking healthy food, love the message of “hope” disease organizations provide, even though that’s all they provide – “hope.” But that pie-in-the-sky fantasy is enough for people who will never ask for an actual “cure” to appear – they just want to keep on “hoping” and giving their money to wealthy CEOs who couldn’t care less about their health. Meanwhile, the disease groups criticize natural cures that do work.



The NIH claim that they spend approximately $30 billion dollars a year on biomedical research and $19.6 billion on animal research. Since biomedical research is another way of saying vivisection we can’t be sure how much money they give to labs, hospitals, and universities to needlessly torture animals. Breitbart reports that White Coat Waste issued a study that concluded, “Our new analysis of federal spending data has uncovered that in 2020, the NIH spent an estimated $240 million on animal experiments in foreign counties where there’s little transparency and accountability about how animals are treated and how the money is spent. A total of 357 labs in 57 countries – including Russia and China- are currently authorized by NIH to receive your tax dollars for animal testing.” Republican Fred Keller of Pennsylvania is outraged and demanding answers. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, is blocking any House investigations into the matter despite demands by Republicans.


Several groups are working on shutting down the NPRC labs where primates are brutalized for no reason other than grants. We protested outside their convention in Ventura Country two months ago and educated attendees and passersby regarding the horrors that occur in these labs. Please go to our site, read for yourself about the plight of the monkeys and sign the petition. Also, please contact the heads of universities that we have listed and your own representatives in Congress and let them know the labs must be closed down. When we all worked together to close the Eunice Shriver Lab in Poolesville, Maryland, members of Congress listened and shut it down. It was an all too rare occurrence.


Hippocrates, who lived 2500 years ago and is considered the father of clinical medicine believed that disease was the result of mismanagement of our interior environment. He taught his students that a regime of good food, fresh air, rest, recreation, sleep, and change of climate would allow the body to heal itself. Through the ages, many other doctors and scientists have agreed that germs develop in toxic bodies and do not come from the outside – the Terrain theory. Then along came Pasteur, who knew how to blow his own horn and was the Fauci of his day, and who put forth the concept that germs are everywhere and are the cause of disease won the day. Thus, the theory that is the cornerstone of the Rockefeller/drug/vaccine empire was established by a self-aggrandizing fraud who, it is claimed, disavowed the germ theory on his deathbed. Sad to say, people who we very much admire for their courage are enmired in the germ theory, and even as they fight the vaccine companies and their false claims, are completely onboard with pharma in proclaiming Covid escaped from a lab in Wuhan and the virus really does exist. As a result, they are standing on both sides of the issue and accomplishing nothing. Meanwhile, because many of the health freedom groups believe in the Covid scam and believe in animal testing, vivisection continues to expand.

The animals being tortured in laboratories should have every anti-vaccine group, every health freedom group, and every animal welfare group in their corner. All of them should make clear that Covid is a scam, the virus does not exist, the Covid tests are useless, the vaccines are poison, and no fake virus escaped from Wuhan. But animals trapped in vivisection labs have few friends, and so we are eternally grateful to Anthony Bellotti and his team that put pedal to the metal and actually shut down labs and relieve the suffering of thousands of animals.

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