People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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We’re in the middle of October, the month when every year, the pink epidemic flourishes. At football stadiums, ladies clad in pink t shirts that say, “Be Aware of Breast Cancer” are peddling their pink products to football fans who are eager to “help the cause.” Next month the Komen walk will again take place in Balboa Park in San Diego where people will be dressed in all kinds of silly costumes and where we will be educating the Komen acolytes about the real reason they are there. To convince runners they are “super heroes” conquering breast cancer, Komen will be handing out capes their followers can tie around their necks and pretend they are in a Marvel movie.

Do these people have any idea of what they are raising money for? Do they know that what they are doing has nothing to do with breast cancer? Probably not. They have chosen ignorance. It would take only a few minutes of paying attention to their own common sense to understand what's going on – Komen has been promising “a cure” for over 40 years and now they don’t focus on that anymore. Now they like to say, “Be Aware.” Hello? "Be Aware?" The cure is nowhere to be found 40 years later. Shouldn’t they have found it by now? If they look just a bit deeper, faithful followers will realize that Nancy Brinker, who founded Komen, has become a millionaire hawking her sister’s death from breast cancer, that she went into business with the mammogram industry that causes breast cancer, that Komen receives funding from many cancer causing industries, and that all of the executives of Komen are millionaires, travel first class, and stay in five-star hotels. Meanwhile, the faithful pink followers get up at 5 am and walk, run, and sweat so Komen execs can live the good life. Furthermore, there are natural cures to breast cancer that Komen will never talk about. It wouldn’t take much to find all this out. They don’t even have to go to our web site. It’s right there in the open. But they close their eyes and choose ignorance.


A few years ago, we talked to a friend who had a high level job at an insurance company. She was planning on taking her daughter to a muscular dystrophy fund raiser. We told her about the billions of dollars that Jerry Lewis had raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association for half a century and that MDA executives have become rich from his efforts. We pointed out that protestors at telethons who call themselves “Jerry’s Orphans” have said they cannot even get wheelchairs from the MDA. We told her it’s obvious Jerry is a self-serving egomaniac who couldn’t care less about “his kids” who he has called derogatory names like “cripples”, “God’s mistakes,” and “cursed.” Our friend would not be moved. She said she wanted her daughter to see a lot of people gathered together “to do good.” She didn’t care they weren’t contributing to “good,” and that she was giving her money to crooks and liars. I'm convinced it wouldn’t have mattered to her if she had seen “Jerry’s Orphans” seated in the front row of an MDA telethon protesting and being called “human waterbeds” by Jerry who ordered them to be removed. It wouldn’t have mattered to her if she had read the Vanity Fair article where Jerry, when asked about the protesters, told the interviewer “F**k ‘em” and repeated the phrase after the interviewer couldn’t believe Jerry said that. With her fingers in her ears and her eyes closed we could not convince our friend that raising money for MDA was ill advised. For her, remaining ignorant of the facts was just a whole lot more comfortable and convenient.

Jerry is the poster child for the many celebrities who raise money for disease organizations and choose ignorance over facts just like the public they influence to donate to these organizations. Of course, they also do it for the self-aggrandizement, and probably dream of receiving for themselves the many awards Jerry received for being a “humanitarian.” Would these celebrities volunteer to speak out against the animal experimentation that all these disease groups are involved in? Not a chance. That would be very bad. P.R. They'd rather not know about that.

There are many disease organizations whose executives receive large salaries while assuring donors that they are hard at work in their labs doing “biomedical research” (vivisection) to find that “cure” that never comes. Alzheimer’s researchers have been looking for a mouse model for Alzheimer’s for one hundred years and they’re still at it. Even though clinical studies in the U.S. and Europe have positively linked Alzheimer’s to aluminum, the Alzheimer’s Association ignores that fact. The aluminum industry gets angry when anybody talks about it. In the 1980s when doctors were speaking out about the dangers of aluminum, the aluminum industry wasted no time in putting a stop to that profit-killing nonsense, and the Alzheimer’s Association had no problem with muzzling the truth. Better to keep looking for that mouse model, keep receiving accolades for all their hard work in their vivisection labs, and keep releasing drugs on the market that cause harm and do not “cure” Alzheimer’s. This information is readily available to the public. And yet people continue to support the Alzheimer’s Association and blind themselves to the facts.


After the pharmaceutical industry took over the media and could propagandize as they pleased, they knew the public was ripe to be bamboozled by a fake virus. They convinced people who were perfectly healthy that they had to be tested, masked, and jabbed just because they and the government said so. It took a few months before millions of people all over the world began asking questions, didn’t like what they found out and began to rebel against the machine. The virus had never been isolated, and the Covid tests had been manufactured using a “synthetic virus” since they couldn’t find the original. Vaccine companies were making hundreds of millions of dollars off the jabs and yet, despite common sense telling everybody something was not kosher here, they turned off their brains, became subservient slaves, and to this day, there are still people, sitting alone in cars, wearing masks.

Where does this adherence to ignorance come from? Why the religious belief in vaccines that have been harming and killing people for several decades? And what will it take for the public to realize they’ve been had? There is a silver lining to all of the Covid/vaccine/censorship/New World Order drivel that we are dealing with right now. Millions of people who have been deeply affected by tyrannical government actions are finally waking up. People are questioning vaccines and many former true vax believers are disavowing vaccines altogether. They are fighting back like we have never seen before in all our years of speaking out against the vivisectors, the NIH, Fauci, and other government agencies run by pharma. It’s heartening to see. On the other hand, groups that should have woken up to the truth still talk about “safe vaccines” and believe that the Covid virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan instead of being a total scam invented to stop the Chinese people from staging massive protests against air pollution.

Buying into the Pasteur germ theory on which the Rockefeller pharmaceutical industry is founded is a grave mistake still being perpetuated by some health freedom groups. Educating people about the Terrain theory, that viruses form inside our bodies that have become polluted, is the key to releasing the hold pharma has on the public. Pharma and their drugs and vaccines are not the answer to disease. Prevention, detoxification, and natural healing are.

We remain dedicated to doing our best in getting the facts out to as many people as we can. One never knows what brilliant minds we will reach who might go on to make a huge difference in society. Ignorance is the enemy of positive change. It causes fear, that in turn causes confusion, subservience, and loss of freedom. Knowledge, on the other hand, causes positive action, which causes change, and results in victory over the evildoers.

"It is easier to fool people then convince them they have been fooled.

-- Mark Twain

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