People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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With gratitude and respect, we salute Robert Kennedy, Jr. for his two primary gifts to humanity — his organization, Children’s Health Defense and his book The Truth About Anthony Fauci, a brilliant exposé of the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID).

His keynote speech at the Stop the Mandates rally on Sunday, January 23, in Washington DC was an inspiration to the huge crowd of activists who braved the freezing cold to stand up for health and freedom. They came from far and wide to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to hear an array of speakers who are working tirelessly, and much to their own risk, for our benefit, and that of generations to come. RFK, Jr. reminded us that we are incrementally losing control of what governs us and are being forced to endure what we should never accept. He states that because too few are standing up against the blatant tests of what we will tolerate, we have already been deprived of rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution, beginning with the First Amendment. He stated, “Once you relinquish freedoms, they will not be retrieved” and that we must stand up now before it is too late.

On hand were America’s Frontline Doctors, all of whom have been persecuted and many who have lost their positions and careers for standing up for the health of their patients. They represent 17,000 doctors strong. Paul Alexander of Unity Project said, “Vaccines can never supersede your natural immunity,” and we must “remove liability protection” from Big Pharma. Doctor Mary Bowden spoke about her lawsuit against Houston Methodist Hospital for suspending her because she was treating Covid patients successfully, while others were killing them with Remdesivir. There were articulate vaccine-injured speakers telling their stories, including a stunning video of a song, Break Through the Silence, produced by REACT 50155 - the fund for the vaccine injured, written by a very lovely, talented songwriter/singer Julie Elizabeth who suffered vaccine injury and is unable to perform. Another injured performer April Medina who is still able to sing, sang at the rally and in the video. Please listen to this beautiful song and be uplifted and inspired.

During the entire rally there was only one thing that made us cringe. Right out of the gate, one of the doctors found it necessary to speak for all of his colleagues when he stated, “Not a single person here is against the broad use of vaccines as we use them in our clinical practice, myself included.” Of course we know that is not the case. There are myriad doctors who have seen first hand, the damage done to patients (mainly children) and have turned away from all vaccines. We find it sad and unfortunate that some doctors feel it necessary to turn a blind eye to massive vaccine damage, perpetrated nationwide over several decades, by Big Pharma brews such as DPT, MMR, Chicken Pox, Polio, Flu, etc., yet these same doctors fight valiantly against this new insult to societal health. Doctors and scientists who are against Covid vaccines but defend the "good" vaccines are just too mentally conditioned or afraid to admit that the health of the entire population has been negatively effected by the vaccination paradigm. They are frightened of being seen as heretics to the vaccine religion. Nevertheless, we stand shoulder to shoulder with all who are fighting and sacrificing to oppose the mandatory jabs of this latest experimental genetic concoction.

As prescribed by JFK, Jr. and supported by all who took part in the Medical Freedom---Stop the Mandate rally in DC, we must all dedicate ourselves to fighting for our American freedoms, which were handed to us by those many brave patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice nearly two and a half centuries ago in order to establish a new, democratic Republic. Instead of tolerating a discriminatory, apartheid society, all of us, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, need to stand up for freedom of bodily autonomy, free speech and re-installing a government not run by huge industrial monoliths. May Americans, at the very least, agree to pledge support for our Constitution and the Nuremberg Code of Ethics, no matter where they stand on the safety and efficacy of Big Pharma products. The tens of thousands of people who attended the rally on Sunday, January 23 have made it clear where they stand. Let's follow their lead and get up off the couch and join the battle.

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