People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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At the beginning of the Covid scam we believed that Americans were too smart and way too independent to fall for the fake Covid virus B.S. After all, Americans shook off other pharma scare-mongering tactics – Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hong Kong Flu, Ebola, and more. Most people didn’t fall for the drug/vaccine industry’s push to get vaccinated for those obviously fake scamdemics. But we were wrong to believe in the common sense of most Americans. Pharma has, during the past two decades, bought and paid for most mainstream media, with the inevitable result that Americans are now easily frightened and brainwashed by pharmaceutical propaganda that is pervasive in the media. They couldn’t wait to mask up, get tested, and get jabbed with the Covid vaccines and are suffering the consequences – millions of people have ended up being injured or killed. VAERS now has the number of deaths and injuries at 1,664,987. Because VAERS shows less than one percent of the actual numbers, add two zeros to the total and you’ll get a more accurate count.

While adults began to manifest injuries from the Covid jabs, Pfizer and the other drug/vaccine companies were already talking about inflicting the vaccines on children, and we thought, “This is where Americans wake up! They will not accept their children being injured and killed by vaccines!” Again, we were wrong. Parents willingly took their children to pharmacists or doctors to get the jab and risked the side effects from those vaccines. And indeed, the side-effects were terribly tragic – thousands of cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, anaphylaxis, blood clots, brain bleeds and more in children.

The new Covid-19 Bivalent vaccines that were given emergency use authorization by the FDA in August as a booster shot are already causing adverse reactions. According to VAERS, (again, add two zeros to their numbers) there have been 528 cases of adverse reactions including 1 death, 1 permanent disability, 39 ER visits, 5 life-threatening injuries, and 9 hospitalizations. 35 of those cases are children, 2 had to go to the ER and 1 was hospitalized.

Now they have begun testing these vaccines on babies.< According to Pfizer’s press release of September 26, they have begun Phase 1/2/3 studies to test “the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of different doses and dosing regimens of the company’s Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent Covid-19 vaccine in children 6 months through 11 years of age.”

Testing toxic chemicals on babies?! Can this be happening in this country?! How can parents be offering up their babies and children to the gods of pharma exactly like people of ancient cultures, believing in witchcraft, offered up their children to be murdered on the altars of false gods centuries ago? Haven’t we evolved beyond that kind of cruel, ignorant, criminal behavior? The same illogical thinking that those people engaged in then is the kind of thinking that parents engage in now. Instead of killing children to entice the gods to send them rain or make their crops grow, present day parents believe that injecting their children with a witch’s brew of baby calf serum, human embryonic tissue, spike proteins, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, streptomycin, antifreeze, and a variety of other toxic poisons will benefit their own babies and the rest of humanity. Apparently, a lot of people haven’t evolved at all.

Surprisingly, Dr. Paul Offit, who believes everyone on the planet should be vaccinated even under threat of physical force, who owns stock in vaccine companies, and profits greatly from vaccine sales, is not pushing these bivalent boosters. He said in an interview on CNN “…If there’s not clear evidence of benefit, then it’s not fair to ask people to take a risk.” We can only speculate why a man known as “For Profit Offit” and has stated that babies could safely receive 10,000 vaccines at one time, is now talking about "risks" and speaking out against the boosters.


It is unfathomable why Americans are not rising up in horror at what is being done by Pfizer to babies and toddlers, let alone teenagers, and adults. And we cannot understand how parents and guardians, for a few dollars, are willing to have their children experimented on knowing they are putting them in harm’s way. For how many pieces of silver are they selling their children to the vivisectors at Pfizer? What are the lives of their children worth to them? Pfizer says on their site that their payments to parents are not unduly high so parents will not be influenced by the amount of money they receive for offering up their children as test subjects, but they do not state the amount of the payments. Besides the payments to parents, children receive gifts, and any travel or other expenses incurred are paid by Pfizer. When parents sign the consent forms to have their children used as test subjects, it is made clear in black and white that the babies and children might be harmed and that Pfizer will pay all of the medical expenses should the baby or child be damaged from the testing. Parents do not go into this merely blinded by pharma and brainwashed by MSM. They are knowingly accepting that they are putting their babies and children in harm's way and their signatures on the waivers attest to that fact.


We have been saying for years, that when you test any substance on animals you have no idea what it will do to humans because of the many physiological differences between species. After the obligatory testing of new drugs on animals, the true effects on humans appear during clinical trials. And the truth is, all drugs and vaccines will have side effects ranging from barely noticeable to death, but they all harm the body and the immune system in some way that will show up months or years later.

We have listed on our site the many ways that any kind of substance can be tested without harming animals or people, such as the Ames test, the Epiderm Skin Tissue Model, Eyetex, fMRI, High-Throughput Screening and many more.

These ultra-modern, reliable tests show accurately what effect a drug, pesticide, or vaccine will have on a human being. So why not use them? In the past, these tests have been avoided because they would put the vivisectionists out of business and because animal experimentation is a billion dollar a year industry they don’t want to give up. But why is Pfizer insisting on testing toxic vaccines on babies just as they have tested toxins on animals for all these many years? We suspect they will skew and lie about the tests, and then release these bivalent vaccines for infants and children, as usual, for huge financial gain.


We have written about St. Jude’s Research Hospital, a $5.302 billion company, where parents sign away rights to have their children undergo toxic treatments understanding that these treatments might kill them. The children’s suffering and deaths are ignored in St. Jude’s self-aggrandizing commercials while they proudly talk about “survival rates.” Survival rate means that if you live more than five years after a toxic treatment and die you are a survivor! Mortality rates for St. Jude’s are unavailable.

Barron’s financial magazine and Fortune Business Insights are celebrating that “Autism can be a growth market if investors help scale it up.” Financial analysts are excited that more and more children are becoming autistic and that there is a fabulous market in developing technologies and medical interventions to “improve the quality of life” for autism families. David Feshbach writes in Barron’s, “the ‘good news’ is that investors are, at last, recognizing that autism is a growth market.” Good news? What about stopping the rise of autism rates by ending childhood vaccinations? Unfortunately, there is no money in that. And after all, the lives of children are expendable.

We have written a great deal about the globalists and eugenicists like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who believe that the earth was meant for them to rule and whoever is left after they get rid of useless eaters will exist for the benefit of the very wealthy. These lofty goals of globalists that have been around since men like Cecil Rhodes first conceived of the idea in the late 1800s and he created the Rhodes Scholarships to groom students who agree with his New World Order concept. While Rhode’s associates and protégés have died off, every generation of new acolytes has kept the movement going. This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s been perfectly clear for anyone to see for many decades, and at this moment it’s staring us in the face to the point where they are openly harming and killing not just adults, but children and babies with vaccines.


For several years we have been protesting the Eunice Shriver Baby Monkey Labs that Eunice and her husband Sargent founded in various parts of the country. In these vivisection labs, baby monkeys and their mothers are tortured in a variety of gruesome ways that are an affront to decency, morality, and science. Using our tax dollars from the NIH, the Eunice Shriver vivisectors have cut, maimed, blinded, drugged, and psychologically tortured monkeys since 1962 – all of it pointless, none of it useful to human beings. Five years ago, members of Congress saw videos of what was being perpetrated in the Eunice Shriver lab in Poolesville, Maryland, and closed it down. We have brought pressure on Maria and Bobby Shriver to help us close all of their mother’s baby monkey labs, but their hearts and minds are as cold and indifferent as their parents’.

Because vivisection on animals, such as the brutal experiments on monkeys in the Eunice Shriver labs, engenders a progression toward vivisection on humans, human babies are now the target of vivisectors and will become test subjects for the bivalent boosters. The psychopaths who do the testing will be taking notes and asking questions like how many doses should they give, how often should they jab the babies, how many doses does it take to see side effects, how many doses to kill the babies? And then they will lie about all of it because that is what vivisectors do. To add insult to injury these vivisectors know better than anyone that Covid never existed and that they are harming babies for no reason other than making money off vaccines.

Is it not time to sound the alarm? Or have infants become expendable? Are parents and guardians just plain greedy, or ignorant, or numbed by mainstream media? We don’t know the answers to those questions, but we do know that we are appalled by the monstrous actions of the evil doers of the pharmaceutical industry and fervently hope as the word spreads about baby experimentation and resultant deaths that Americans will finally awake from their slumber and say, no more.

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