People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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On January 1, 2022, the FDA withdrew the emergency use of the Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test, identifying it as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall – “use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.” Covid PCR tests have been under unceasing attacks since their inception because they were, according to independent scientists, not meant to diagnose illness and because testers were routinely running cycles of over 35, causing a high percentage of false positives that even Fauci had to admit “cannot be accepted or believed.”

In their recall statement, the FDA referred to the many false negative and false positive results of the test that delayed a correct diagnosis and incorrect treatment of a disease that was or wasn’t there. The CDC admitted on March 30, 2020 that. "Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms." Also, "This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens." Now they tell us.

It took the CDC this long to admit we have been heading down the wrong road this whole time? A test that has initiated world-wide disaster doesn't even work? The Covid PCR test that has been the cause of a well-orchestrated, fear campaign regarding a virus that cannot be proven to exist is a fraud? This is the same Covid PCR test that facilitated and enabled the drug/vaccine industry to cause lockdowns, bankruptcies, destruction of economies, social distancing, masking, and coercive vaccination campaigns that have resulted in millions of deaths and injuries around the world. After all of that incredible death and destruction caused by the PCR test, on January 1 the CDC and WHO will no longer support this test and instead are encouraging laboratories to “consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.” Are people expected to obediently flip flop and believe that these tests are any more accurate than the first? And we also have to ask, who will be making money off the new tests?


In January of 2020, Christian Drosten (who calls himself a doctor even though his thesis has never been located by investigators) of the Berlin Virology Institute and head of a biotech company, published an article in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, written by him and his colleagues at the Institute, claiming to have designed the RT PCR test specifically for detecting if someone is infected with the new Corona virus. He admitted they didn’t have the virus material available, so he and his colleagues quickly made a “synthetic gene” to fill in for the supposed real thing. The paper was published on the WHO website on January 13 and 17, and on January 23, 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus declared a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) and the 170 cases of pneumonia in China, (hypothetically caused by an unknown “virus”) immediately increased to 9,826,640 cases of Covid by following new guidelines for the disease. All respiratory illnesses were diagnosed as Covid. Every manner of death that could, by any stretch of the imagination, be labeled a result of a Covid infection, was so labeled. Colds and the flu disappeared. The Covid “pandemic” was launched.

Drosten’s paper that became the basis for widespread use of the PCR test immediately came under attack by groups of independent scientists and researchers who did a peer review of the paper. They insisted that “The PCR test cannot diagnose the infectious status of a person in any proven way and no consistent link has ever been found between a disease state and the PCR results.” These statements echo what PCR inventor Kary Mullis had been saying for years, “…it doesn’t tell you if you are sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you end up with is going to hurt you.”

But their warnings were ignored. The PCR test became a useful tool in promoting a new virus that the medical industry warned would kill millions of people unless vaccines could be found to prevent such a horrible disaster from happening.

Meanwhile, Olfert Landt, one of Drosten’s co-authors of the Corman Drosten PCR paper, and owner of a biotech company that produces PCR test kits, immediately began selling Corona test kits at 1,500,000 kits a week then doubling sales in a month. We can only speculate whether or not Drosten, the dubious doctor, benefited from his partner's financial windfall. Charité Berlin, of which Drosten is Institute director, received around $335,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in December 2019 and March 2020 – a truly win-win partnership. Drosten knows how to push vaccines.


What do we know about the origin of this “new virus” that was discovered in Wuhan China? When we look at the facts (described in detail in Jon Rappoport’s article (“Wuhan: Back to the Beginning, Where the Whole Fraud Started”) it is readily apparent that the “virus” was a convenient way for the Chinese government to explain away the millions of people in China who have died from pneumonia and other respiratory diseases caused by massive, toxic pollution.

Rather than clean up the air and respond in a positive way to the persistent, and large number of growing protests occurring in their country, the government decided that invention of a phony virus story and lockdowns were better, more expedient choices to put a muzzle on the complainers. Many anti Covid vaccine groups and individuals who understandably loathe Tony Fauci for the greedy liar that he is, are insistent that Covid came from a leak in a Wuhan pathogen lab. We do not think that theory holds water. Yes, Fauci is a despicable psychopath and moved the deadly pathogen experiments from the U.S. to Wuhan, but it is obvious that the pollution that was causing an estimated 300,000 deaths a year in China had to be explained away in a manner that was convenient and economically feasible. Emphysema, cancers, bronchitis, pneumonia, CPOD, asthma and more had to be blamed on something. A new virus is always a convenient scapegoat. And this one worked out very well for the medical/pharmaceutical industry.


There is a scientific way to isolate a virus. Samples of blood or secretions are taken from many people with the same symptoms. Without mixing the samples with any other genetic material and using accepted scientific techniques, they are purified. Then, using electron microscopy, thousands of identically sized and shaped particles can be seen. These particles are the isolated and purified virus. The identical particles are checked for uniformity, and next, genetic material is extracted from the purified particles. Then the particles are analyzed to confirm that they are outside in origin and not the normal breakdown of dead and dying tissues. To show this virus causes a disease, and avoiding experimenting on humans or animals, there are several non animal scientific methods that can be used to accomplish this.

This meticulous method of isolating the Covid virus has never been done. Pharma-owned scientists offer two excuses why this is the case. First, they claim there are not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze. If this is true, how can you know it exists, causes disease, or is in any way dangerous? They also claim viruses are intracellular parasites and can’t be found outside the cell in this manner. This begs the question, then how in the world can it spread from one person to another? And also, if the virus has never been isolated how can the PCR or any other test find it? Furthermore, if the Covid virus cannot be proven to exist then how the heck can you prove the "variants" exist? These are obvious questions any thinking person should ask. But when lies are cloaked as science people rarely look any further than what is said by talking heads and corrupt politicians who pontificate on TV. As Nancy Pelosi likes to ask in her press conferences, looking at the camera as if we are all idiots, “How can you not believe in SCIENCE?”

The original Covid PCR test is gone, long live the next generation of Covid tests. We expect them to be as accurate as the first in identifying a virus that pharma scientists haven’t proven exists. Why bother looking for a virus when people so readily believe in scientific fiction?

“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.”

-- Walter Lippman- Two-time Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist

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