People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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It needs to be made clear to everyone, including all health freedom organizations that Omicron is an invention of pharma’s PR team. There is not one shred of reliable scientific evidence to prove they exist. One of the pharma publicists’ most important priorities is to invent campaigns that will cause increasing fear of Covid and the new “variants.” Obviously, they do this to induce more people to get the Covid jabs. When health freedom groups buy into the premise that “variants” exist it causes confusion among some of their supporters. Fortunately, we are observing that most people are not fooled by the phony PR marketing of Omicron or any of the new “variants” that are sure to be invented soon.

Pharma’s main marketing firm is Publicis. This firm represents not only pharma but the WHO, Microsoft, Bing, the U.S. Sate Department and Department of Defense, the World Economic Forum, WebMD, Medscape, public libraries, schools and more. The tentacles of Publicis are everywhere. Because they work for the World Economic Forum their overriding mission is pushing the Great Reset which will involve the pharma/tech industries taking charge of every aspect of our lives; health, social and financial. Meanwhile, terrifying people into getting more jabs is their more immediate goal.

The Covid virus has never been isolated. Pharma “scientists” admit that. But because Fauci and Co. are so facile in escaping scientific scrutiny, because the media never expects them to prove any of their theories, because Fauci owns the media and most politicians, the successful fear mongering of Covid and selling of vaccines has become an overwhelming success. Nothing he says or does needs to be proven. With every new “variant” there will be a renewed push for the unvaccinated to get their jabs and all the fake cases of people diagnosed with these “variants” will be blamed on the unvaccinated.

Meanwhile, all the people injured and killed by Covid vaccines will be ignored by the media and Fauci will reign supreme.

Greedy psychopaths who lust after money and power and are willing to kill millions of people to gain control over large populations have always been with us. There is no way to convert psychopaths into becoming kind and compassionate. But what we can do and what millions of people all over the world are doing now is tuning them out – shutting off pharma owned media, refusing to listen to their propaganda, recognizing their fear mongering tactics and fighting back. One at a time, people must get over their fear of being hassled by store employees, take off their masks, stand up to coercion by employers to get the jabs, refuse the tests, and apply for their religious exemptions that are our legal right.

Meanwhile, the good news is that a democratic parallel economy is being formed right now. Businesses all over the country; restaurants, beauty parlors, medical offices, schools, airlines, etc. that don’t impose pharma’s jab and mask rules, already exist or are in the pipeline. While the pharma/tech industries are trying to destroy our democracy we are creating and enjoying democratic businesses that offer us our Constitutional right to experience shopping and going about our business as we always have. Until we can vote out the political pharma slaves who now hold office, we will live normal lives. We’ll ignore pharma TV, watch a lot of Netflix movies and get our news from reliable, independent sources on the internet. The attempts of Fauci and Co. to turn this country into a dictatorship will not succeed.

Meanwhile, we hope that people who are buying into the “variants” will think twice and recognize them as the frauds and PR ploys that they are. Let’s start our own campaign ridiculing them out of existence.

Because Face Book has all but censored us please follow us on Gab.

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