People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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As more and more examples of Anthony Fauci's greed, lies, and cruelty are revealed and as the insidious connections between the NIH, NIAID, FDA, HHS, universities and drug companies are exposed we now have a more accurate picture of the true intent of the government health agencies that we support with our tax dollars, and that their purpose is not to improve public health but to award themselves hundreds of billions of dollars in profit for everyone involved.

Fauci used his position as head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the so-called AIDS epidemic to gain control of government funding for cancer and other diseases. He learned from his disastrous mistakes pushing and focusing on the toxic drug AZT how to pivot and reinvent himself, how to politicize the NIH, use ignorant media talking heads to censor all critics, and turn himself into the monarch of medicine and prosper. Despite the fact that AZT killed hundreds of thousands of people and that he lied about HIV causing AIDS, despite hundreds of scientists challenging his every lie, Fauci used his cunning, lack of a conscience, and ruthless ambition to silence and destroy independent scientists who dared to stand up to him, and award himself and his cohorts in the drug industry and government health agencies a bonanza in AZT profits.

He expanded and cemented his partnership with the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry by manufacturing phony “pandemics” like bird flu, swine flu, SARS, Ebola, etc. but because he hadn’t yet gained total control of the media and corrupt politicians, those phony “pandemics” went down in flames and the hoped-for financial benefits from forcing toxic vaccines on the public were not realized. It was not until the pharmaceutical industry became successful in achieving a death grip on the media and until they bought the allegiance of thousands of politicians from the president on down that Fauci and Co. were able to pull off the biggest “pandemic” scam in history; Covid 19. The lies and fear mongering he put to good use during the AIDS/AZT era he has now honed to perfection in order to profit from a phony virus, selling vaccines that kill and damage millions of people around the world. He is a ruthless dictator who doesn't give a damn how many people he kills as long as he can make money.

Fauci’s callous disregard for human and animal life was brought into sharp focus when White Coat Waste exposed the cruel and useless experiments on beagles being eaten alive by sand flies and by the renewed revelations about the deadly AIDS drug testing foisted on hundreds of defenseless African American and Latino orphans and foster children in New York. These tragic experiments are but a tiny microcosm of the human damage inflicted on helpless children, minorities and Africans, and the torture of millions of animals approved by Fauci and Francis Collins who has headed up the NIH since 2009.

Biomedical “research” (vivisection) which obtains hundreds of millions of dollars in grants from the NIH every year is based on a lie. That lie maintains that animal experimentation has relevance to humans. Vivisectors assert that if they experiment on enough animals, “cures” to cancer and all diseases will be found. Obviously, that is not the case.

The vivisector recipients of Fauci’s and Collins’ grants know better than anyone else that their obscene torture of animals cannot be extrapolated to humans because of differences in physiology, metabolism, biochemistry, genetics, and environment. It is not science. It does not work but because it is completely useless, and the “cures” will never be found, vivisectors can expect to receive vivisection grants until the day they die. Furthermore, you can test any substance on millions of animals of every species and still not know what the result will be in humans, and that includes the Covid vaccines. Because animal testing is fraudulent, it can be skewed to show whatever the vivisectors want the tests to show. After a drug is tested on animals it moves to clinical trials. Injuries and deaths to humans and animals are ignored, and the drug is placed on the market. When lawsuits are filed and damages must be paid, no problem, billions of dollars have been made and there are always more drugs in the pipeline. Despite the obvious lie regarding animal testing, anti vaccine and anti pharma activists continue to push for testing drugs and vaccines on animals. The pervasive belief in vivisection is so deeply rooted that even intelligent, well-meaning doctors and scientists who warn the public about the dangers of vaccines believe in pharma lies and propaganda regarding animal testing.

We at PRISM dealt with one of the many lies and fraudulent research projects funded by the NIH when we went after them for their gruesome experiments on baby monkeys in the Eunice Shriver Baby Primate Lab at the the University of Washington in Seattle.


A few years ago, when supporters in Seattle told us about the many cruelties perpetrated in the Eunice Shriver Infant Primate Research Lab that had been exposed by local media reports, we knew we would have to do something. We decided we would make every attempt to put an end to the barbaric experiments and the lie that Eunice's horrific animal lab existed to benefit children. In the next few years we would use every possible tactic at our disposal to expose the experiments on baby macaques and their mothers that had been perpetrated since 1983. Not only were the experiments gruesome and completely irrelevant to human children, but the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child and Human Development that Eunice Shriver founded at the NIH in 1962 was based on a lie. The baby monkey labs that Eunice established at the University of Wisconsin, Stanford, the University of Washington and other locations had nothing to do with finding out why human children are born with or develop physical, mental and emotional challenges but had everything to do with assuaging family guilt because of what was done to Rosemary Kennedy.

When Rose Kennedy was giving birth to Rosemary, the attending nurse prevented Rosemary from moving out of the birth canal because Rose’s doctor had not yet arrived and would not be paid unless he was present at the physical birth. Because of the nurse’s actions, Rosemary’s brain was deprived of oxygen, and she became what was called in those days, “retarded.” Nevertheless, Rosemary grew and developed into a beautiful, outgoing, loving girl but whose occasional emotional outbursts and faux pas were an embarrassment to her father. She was shunted off to various schools to hide her from the Kennedy peers. Finally, Joe Kennedy had enough and decided over the objections of her doctors to have her undergo a lobotomy, an extremely painful and terrifying ordeal, after which the lovely Rosemary was reduced to being physically, emotionally, and mentally incapable of living anything resembling a normal life. She was bundled off to the St. Colleta School for Exceptional Children in Wisconsin and taken care of by nuns for 10 years. No one in the family came to see her during all those years, including her mother. After Joe Kennedy died, Eunice decided it was time to bring Rosemary back into the fold. When Rosemary’s condition became public, Rose blamed her “retardation” on an “act of God,” knowing full well that it was her own husband who had inflicted the damage.

This then was the inspiration for Eunice to establish her NIH foundation – to find answers to “retardation” even though she knew her father was to blame. Because of Eunice’s decision to push for vivisection on animals (which she fondly called “lab work”) and fund labs all over the country, hundreds of thousands of baby monkeys and their mothers have been forcefully inflicted with brain damage, deformity, developmental disabilities, craniofacial malformations, drug addiction, fetal alcohol disorders, learning disabilities, suffocation, epilepsy, convulsions, surgical disfigurement of eyes, spine and brain implants and the most brutal psychological experiments imaginable. In charge of all this brutality at the University of Washington lab is the notorious Thomas Brubacher, a loathsome vivisector who also gets to decide what experiments are too cruel to perpetrate. Of course, nothing is ever found to be too cruel.

Because universities are too politically powerful, too deeply intertwined with the pharmaceutical industry and the various government health agencies, we found that shutting down the Eunice Shriver lab was next to impossible. It turned into an effort in futility despite our delivering in person, over 200,000 petitions to the NIH, despite visiting the D.C. and Seattle offices of members of Congress, despite organizing huge protests outside the lab in Seattle, despite numerous pleas to Maria and Bobby Shriver to shut down their mother’s foundation, and despite many protests in front of their offices and homes. Nothing convinced the Shrivers to admit that their mother was a vivisectionist and her labs needed to be defunded, and no amount of pressure put on Francis Collins at the NIH influenced him to shut down the labs. A major victory came when the Eunice Shriver baby monkey lab in Poolesville, Maryland was closed after decades of torturing babies and their mothers. Because it was a stand-alone lab not connected to a university, because PETA managed to get access to videos showing the nightmarish experiments being perpetrated there, and because thousands of people, including PRISM supporters, protested, called, and signed petitions, members of Congress, horrified by the videos of the nightmarish experiments in the lab, shut it down in 2015. Unfortunately, the Eunice Shriver lab in Seattle has now disappeared into the notorious U of W underground vivisection laboratories, hidden and protected from any public access.

The depraved experiments currently being funded by the NIH at the Eunice Shriver Baby Monkey labs are, like all vivisection, based on lies. If fifty-nine years of the most brutal experiments on animals imaginable have not found “cures” to “retardation” then what has been accomplished with all that torture? If animal experimentation is worthwhile then why do the Special Olympics continue to grow? Shouldn’t Eunice’s vivisectors have found the answers by now? Vivisection has not and never will provide answers to human health problems.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. says in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, when he writes about what kind of research Fauci’s NIAID should be doing to benefit all of us: “explore the links between glyphosate in food and the explosion of gluten allergies, the link between pesticide residues and the epidemic of neurological diseases and cancers, the causal connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, between mercury from coal plants and escalating autism rates…the association between childhood vaccines and the explosion of juvenile diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis,…the impacts of sugar and soft drinks on obesity and diabetes.”

Yes, that is what should be done. But clinical research that will truly benefit children and adults receives very little funding from the NIH or from Eunice’s foundation. Prevention, cleaning up the environment and healthy lifestyles will not bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in grant money to the NIH or drug royalties to Fauci and Co. And developing drugs to enrich himself and his cohorts is the driving force behind all of Fauci's actions. Despite the fact that drugs do not heal, can only suppress symptoms and cause harmful side effects, every time a drug is released on the market it is heralded as a fabulous “breakthrough.” Fortunately for Fauci and Co. and their bank accounts, the public has been brainwashed into believing drugs and vaccines are the saviors of mankind.

Lies upon lies have driven the NIH for decades. Only by every citizen being willing to explore the underbelly of the corruption in this and other government health agencies and demanding change will we have a chance to end the lies that are killing us.

Liars are the cause of all the sins and crimes in the world. – Epictetus

To read more about the origins of the Eunice Shriver Baby Monkey Labs, click on the link below,

Read about Eunice Shriver and her connection to vivisection at the University of Wisconsin, in the well documented book, We All Operate in the Same Way by Rick Bogle

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