People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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Most people, when asked to use their common sense regarding animal experimentation, have to admit that animals are not the same as humans and when faced with a medical emergency regarding themselves or a family member would choose to go to a hospital ER and not a veterinarian. They would want a blood transfusion from a human being of the same blood type and certainly not the blood of a cat, dog or monkey. Furthermore, trans-species organ transplants have a long history of failure. In spite of those facts, the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry has for many decades used animals as stand-ins for humans in bio-medical research. The vivisectors themselves know that because of differences in physiology, metabolism, bio-chemistry and genetics, extrapolation of experiments from one species to another is scientifically impossible. It is not science. It harms not only animals but humans and the environment as well.

In spite of all that, vivisection continues because ....

1. It is a profitable, billion dollar a year business for animal breeding facilities, for compa- nies selling cages, stereotaxic devices, scalpels, freezers, electric shock machines, a plethora of torture devices, and all the other equipment it takes to run a vivarium.
2. Bio-medical laboratories and universities receive billions of dollars a year in taxpayer grants from the NIH .
3. Animal testing creates a false belief that the drugs and pollutants which the petro- chemical/pharmaceutical industry spews into our air, food, water and immune systems are safe for human consumption.
4. The FDA and other government organizations, in league with Big Pharma, mandates that polluters and drug companies test on animals.
5. Disease organizations like The American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, Alzheimer’s Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Michael J. Fox Parkinson’s Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy Association, etc. enrich themselves by promising cures through bio-medical/animal research which have failed to materialize after more than 100 years of vivisection.
6. Misguided celebrities act like pied pipers for disease organizations and attract millions of dollars a year for the vivisection industry. Vivisectors and doctors freely admit to each other in their research papers that what they are doing has no relevance to humans but many also admit it publically and they have been doing so for years. We need to start listening to them.

“Instead of preventing these diseases, we are all in the labs looking at mice and rats and monkeys and chimpanzees trying to make these healthy animals come down with human diseases, artificially-induced in the artificial, strictly controlled laboratory setting which has nothing whatsoever to do with the human situation.”
Christopher Anderegg, M.D. Ph.D (from the documentary Lethal Medicine)

“I abhor vivisection. It should at least be curbed. Better, it should be abolished. I know of no achievement through vivisection, no scientific discovery that could not have been obtained without such barbarism and cruelty. The whole thing is evil.”
Dr. Charles Mayo – Founder - Mayo Clinic (New York Daily News, March 13, 1961)

“What we have, however, at the moment is not science but pseudo-science...Ultimately, of course, we have to wait for human studies because animal studies will never give us a definitive answer...and so the research community is getting more and more defensive because they cannot point to real practical advances; and obviously in practical terms they have failed.”
Dr. David Horrobin - Researcher (Science and Deception – CBC. October 17th 1982)

“Dr.Peters dorf said the competition to win academic promotions and federal research grants was causing an undetermined number of scientists to exaggerate or cheat in reporting research they had done...many scientists played down data that contradicted their theories or chose improper statistical methods that would give them the favorable results...some did a lot of experiments until they finally got the result they wanted, possibly by chance. Then they reported only the finding they were after.”
Philip M. Boffey - Reporter (New York Times “Rise in Science Fraud is Seen; Need to Win Cited as a Cause, May 30, 1985)

“Another basic problem which we share as a result of the regulations and the things that prompted them is an unscientific preoccupation with animal studies. Animal studies are done for legal reasons and not for scientific reasons. The predictive value of such studies for man is often meaningless---which means our research may be meaningless.”
Dr. James G. Gallagher - Director of Medical Research, Lederle Laboratories (Journal of American Medical Association, March 4,1964)

“This was seen in animal studies. The relevance to humans is unknown.”
Disclaimer appearing on a commercial for the drug Linzess after describing the various harmful side-effects in humans from the drug, 2015-2016

“From a scientific standpoint, animal model systems in cancer research have been a total failure. In sum, from the standpoint of current scientific theory of cancer, the whole mystique of animal model systems is hardly more than superstitious nonsense.”
Irwin Bross, Ph.D - Former Director of Sloan-Kettering Institute
(1000 Doctors and More Against Vivisection by Hans Ruesch)

“It is impossible to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion in regard to cancer in man by experimenting on animals.”
Robert Bell, M.D., M.B., F.R.C.S., Vice President International Cancer Research Society

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”
Linus Pauling - Two-time Nobel Prize Winner

“During the past 50 years scientists experimenting with thousands of animals have found 700 ways of causing cancer. But they have not discovered one way of curing the disease.”
Dr. J.F. Brailsford, M.D., Ph.D, F.R.C.P., (Birmingham Evening Dispatch, January 10,1956)

“The reason why I am against animal research is because it doesn’t work. It has no sci- entific value. One cannot extrapolate the results of animal research to human beings, and every good scientist knows that.”
Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., Formerly Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University
of Illinois, College of Medicine (from the documentary Lethal Medicine)

“The rat is not a suitable model for studying essential hypertension, and the rabbit is ineffective in arthrosclerosis research. Imagine the loss incurred, not only to the dog, the rat and rabbit, but to the human as well.”
Moneim A. Fadali, M.D., Cardiac/Thoracic Surgeon, UCLA Faculty, Board of Directors,
Royal College of Surgeons of Cardiology, Canada

“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. With the ability to knock in or knock out any gene in a mouse – which can’t sue us --- researchers have over-relied on animal data...The problem is that it hasn’t worked, and it’s time we stopped dancing around the problem. We need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans.”
Former NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni, 2002-2008,
speaking before the NIH Scientific Review Management Board on June 4, 2013